Listened to the report of the PR department Dec 26, 2019 | 04:12 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

Khanim Rzazade made a presentation of the annual report of the public relations department. She talked about the structure of the department, its activities in 2019 and the results of monitoring and noted the department’s great contribution to the promotion of geographical science. So, in this direction more than 150 press releases for the media were prepared.

Topics such as climate change, their impact on human health and agriculture, soil degradation, use of wind energy, instability of the Caspian Sea level, scientific and practical conferences are the most widely covered news in the media.

Kh. Rzazade also said that this year 3 stands were presented at the conference; 15-minute videos dedicated to Nasimi’s 650th anniversary were prepared and demonstrated. She said that the IG website will provide extensive information on this issue.

She spoke also about the site’s statistical indicators regarding the distribution of news in the media, information requests, publishing, site views from abroad, etc.

The presentation ended with a demonstration of the Institute’s activities over the past year.