Scientific Council is acting at the Institute of Geography
Established by order of the director and approved by Department of Earth Sciences at ANAS, the Scientific Council discusses the issues related to the institute life, and makes decisions. The Scientific Council determines priority directions of scientific research works, approves themes and activities, discusses and accepts completed research works. At the meeting of the Scientific Council, among the completed works, the most important results are determined and submitted to the Department of Earth Sciences and Presidium of ANAS. Also, here are discussed and accepted plans of scientific and research field works.
Number | Surname, name and patronymic | Academic degree, position |
1 | Phd in geography, acting Director general | |
2 | PhD, Scientific Secretary | |
3 | PhD in geography, head of department | |
4 | Doctor of Geography, leading researcher | |
5 | PhD in agricultural sciences, docent, head of department | |
6 | PhD in geography, Head of department | |
7 | PhD in geography, head of department | |
8 | PhD in geography, head of department | |
9 | Corr. member of ANAS, Dr of phys.-math.sciences | |
10 | PhD in agric. sciences, head of department | |
11 | Doctor of Geography, head of department | |
12 | Doctor of geography, head of department | |
13 | PhD in geography, head of departament | |
14 | Doctor of Geography, head of department | |
15 | Doctor of Geography, head of department | |
16 | PhD, Head of departament | |
17 | Doctor of Geography, senior researcher | |
18 | Doctor of Geography, leading researcher | |
19 | Gerayli Nazim Tazim oghlu | Chairman of CYSS |
20 | Chief Manager |