1. Geographical atlas of the Azerbaijan SSR (1949)
  2. Atlas of the Azerbaijan SSR (1963)
  3. Economic map of the Azerbaijan SSR (1967)
  4. Atlas of mud volcanoes of the Azerbaijan SSR (1971)
  5. Geological and lithological map of Quaternary deposits of Azerbaijan Economic map of the SSR (1971)
  6. Economic map of Transcaucasia (1971)
  7. Neotectonic map of the Azerbaijan SSR (1972)
  8. Maps of the Azerbaijan SSR (1972)
  9. Landscape map of the Azerbaijan SSR (1975)
  10. Map of Quaternary deposits of the Azerbaijan SSR (1975)
  11. Agroclimatic zoning of the Azerbaijan SSR (1976)
  12. Climatic map of the Azerbaijan SSR (1977)
  13. Population map of the Azerbaijan SSR (1978)
  14. Agricultural map of the Azerbaijan SSR (1978)
  15. Map of landscape types and physical-geographical zoning of the Azerbaijan SSR (for agriculture) (1978)
  16. Atlas of the heat balance of the Azerbaijan SSR (1978)
  17. Atlas of the Azerbaijan SSR (1979)
  18. Geomorphological map of the Caucasus (1979)
  19. Soil erosion and soil protection map of Azerbaijan (1980)
  20. Landscape map of Transcaucasia (1983)
  21. Population settlement map of the Azerbaijan Republic (1985)
  22. Forest map of the Azerbaijan SSR (1986)
  23. Climatic map of the Azerbaijan SSR (1987)
  24. Physical and geographical atlas of the Azerbaijan SSR (1990)
  25. Agroclimatic atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1993)
  26. Map of the territory of Azerbaijan (1991)
  27. Orographic map of Azerbaijan (1994)
  28. Geomorphological map of Azerbaijan (1995)
  29. Map of plants of Azerbaijan (1996)
  30. Lithological and paleogeographic map of Azerbaijan (2003)
  31. Map of eco-geographical zoning of the territory of Azerbaijan (2006)
  32. Atlas of the lands of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2007)
  33. Tourist atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2008)
  34. Geographical atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2008)
  35. Ecological potential of Azerbaijan landscapes (2009)
  36. Zoning of the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the level of ecological risk and danger (2009)
  37. Medical-ecological-geochemical landscape map of Azerbaijan (2009)
  38. Ecological atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2009-2010)
  39. Comprehensive Atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2010)
  40. Ecological hazard and risk map of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2011)
  41. Political-administrative map of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2012)
  42. Physical map of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2012)
  43. Republic of Azerbaijan. Geographical Atlas (2012)
  44. Natural and geochemical landscape map of Azerbaijan (2012 - 2014 - 2018)
  45. Medical and ecological landscape map (2012 - 2014-2018)
  46. Geochemical landscape map of Azerbaijan. (2000-2014)
  47. National atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2014)
  48. Population. Map of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2014)
  49. Orthographic map of Azerbaijan (2008-2014)
  50. Hydrometeorological atlas of the Caspian Sea. (2014)
  51. Landscape map of the Republic of Azerbaijan. (2014 - 2017)
  52. Flood Map of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 2016
  53. Geomorphological Map of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2017)
  54. The Republic of Azerbaijan. Geographical Atlas. 2018
  55. Climate Map of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2014-2017-2018)
  56. Atlas. Resources for Grades 6-11 (2018-2019)
  57. Types of Earth Globes - Physical, Political and Meridian. (2019) First published in Azerbaijani.
  58. Physical Map of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2021)
  59. Political and Administrative Map of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2021)
  60. Administrative-Territorial Division of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2021)
  61. Geographical Atlas. Resources for Grades 6-11. (2022)
  62. Collection of table Geographical Maps and Diagrams. Resources for grades 6-11. (2022)
  63. Atlas with contour maps, a resource for grades 6-11. (2024)
  64. Atlas of World History. Resources for grades 6-11. (2024) - (IG staff participated in the compilation of the Atlas)