Place of birth:


Date of birth:



Baku State University

Scientific degree:

Ph.D in geography


associate professor

Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

specialty name

- topic name

25.00.25 Geomorphology and evolutionary Geography.

Elaboration the methods of interpretation of morphostructures of mountain countries (on the pattern of the north-eastern slope of the Major Caucasus).

Total number of printed scientific publications:

number of scientific publications printed

- abroad

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases

More than 100





Number of patents and certificates of authorship:


Staff training:

- number of  PhDs


Basic scientific achievements:


Names of scientific works:

1.Morfostruktur transformation with exodinamik prosesin mountains (in example of Azerbaycan part of the Biq Caucazus). Challenges in Geospatial analysis, inteqration and visualization II. Stuttqart. Germany.2003

2.Problems of research of the ecoloqic-geomorfoloqical hazards in the momitain constructions within the Azerbaycan. Balkan conference on qeomorphology. 2003

3.Böyük Kafkasların (Azərbaijan) morfostrukturunun ekzodinamik sürüşmələrin inkişafı. Van. Türkiya, 2004

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:


Pedagogical activity:

14 years as a teacher in Baku state university

Other activities:


Awards and prizes:


Main place of work and its address:

AZ1143, Azerbaijan, Baku, H. Javid ave., 115, Institute of Geography of ANAS


Senior Researcher

Office phone:

+994 12 539 33 76






[email protected]