Accounting department


538-59-75; 539-33-54


[email protected]

Head of department:

Mursalova Saida Asif gizi

Total number of employees:


Main activities:

1. Organization of financial activity accounting;

2. Control over the economical use of material, labor, financial resources and the safety of the organization's property;

3. Accounting and reporting in order to accurately reflect business transactions in accounting, control over it, provide operational information, timely preparation and submission of accounting (financial) statements together with other departments and services to identify and mobilize internal resources, conduct economic analysis of financial-economic activities of the Organization according to the report, conducting an inventory;

4. Timely reflection of operations related to the movement of fixed assets, inventory items and cash in the accounts of accounting;

5. Keeping records of income (expenses) and objects of taxation and submission of tax reporting in accordance with the law;

6. Drawing up current and prospective financial plans along with the necessary calculations;

7. Operational accounting of financial and settlement transactions carried out on the bank accounts of the organization;

8. Accounting for the movement of financial resources and preparing reports on the results of financial activities in accordance with accounting standards;

9. Processing of basic information and documents received from relevant departments;

10. Preparation of data for the provision of statistical reporting;

11. Registration of treasury, economic and banking operations, fixed assets and liabilities, intangible assets, low-value items, inventory items and invoices;

12. Ensuring the accrual and payment of wages and other transactions related to employees.