

Place of birth:

Lankaran, Haftonu settlement

Date of birth:

 January 10, 1968


Azerbaijan  State  Pedagogical  University,

Faculty of  Geography

Scientific degree:

PhD  in geography



Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


"Economic geography"

"The impact of ecogeographical conditions on the spread of oncological diseases in Azerbaijan Republic"

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-  number of scientific publications printed abroad:

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship:


Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences



Basic scientific achievements:

Determination of regional differences in the prevalence of oncological diseases depending on the change of the eco geographical environment.

Names of scientific works:

1.Medico-geographic assessment of the prevalence of oncological diseases in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Actual problems of humanitarian and natural sciences. Journal of scientific publications, №12 (December), ІІ. Moscow, 2014 c. 332-336.

2.Medical-geographic problems of studying oncological diseases in the Absheron peninsula. Geography and natural resources, works of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society, No. 2, Baku - 2015. 107-111.

3.“Medical - Geographical Conditions and Spread of Oncological Deceases in Azerbaijan International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 7, No. 12; December 2016. 139-144.

4.Eco-geochemical regularities of landscape development of the Absheron peninsula Naukovi zapiski, ISSN 2311 – 3383, No. 2, 2019 (Випуск 47) p.146-155.

5.Medical-geographic evaluation of the effect of natural-geographical and ecological conditions of Absheron economic region on cardiovascular diseases. News of Baku State University, Natural Sciences Series No. 4, Baku, 2021 p. 82-92.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:


Pedagogical activity:

Baku State University, 11 years

Other activities:


Awards and prizes:


Main place of work and its address:

Ministry of Science and Education AR, Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev, AZ1143, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, H. Javid Ave., 115


Department head

Office phone:

+994 12 539 33  36


+994 50 446 64 74


+994 12 430 35 24


