Articles by employees of GI have been published in the forum materials Oct 12, 2021 | 04:10 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Scientific articles by employees of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS were published in the materials of the international demographic forum "Demography and Global Challenges", held in Voronezh, Russia, from September 30 to October 2.

These are articles by Doctor of Sciences in geography Zakir Eminov "Problems of regulation of population settlement in the regions of the Azerbaijan Republic ", PhD Etibar Badalov "Spatial differentiation of demographic processes in the urbanized territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan", junior researcher Baimkhanim Huseynova in English "The influence of natural and socio-economic factors on the distribution of the population in the northern regions of Azerbaijan by high-altitude zones (Sheki-Zagatala economic-geographical region)" , articles by researchers Emil Jabrailov in English "Population distribution in the vicinity of Shahdag National Park" and Turana Huseynova "Influence of demographic indicators on the quality of life in the natural region of the Greater Caucasus in the Azerbaijan Republic " and doctoral student Zeynab Mirzaeva "Features of demographic development of Baku and their impact on settlement process ”.