Geographers conducted research in Sheki-Zagatala region Nov 04, 2022 | 02:11 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

From October 10 to 20, junior research workers of the department of Ecogeography of the Institute of Geography named after Academician. H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Agayeva Firuza, Ismailova Shahla and researcher Nijat Imamverdiyev visited Sheki-Zakatala region under the leadership of P.h.D. Anvar Aliyev.

The main goal of the Institute staff, who studied the influence of various natural and anthropogenic factors on the ecological state of the area, was to prepare a scientific report of the department on the topic “Study of environmental problems in the northwestern part of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus”. For the first time, the characteristics of the impact of vehicles on the environment on roads II and III of the cities of Sheki and Zagatala, as well as on some sections of the highway (M-5) passing through the territory, were studied.

During the expedition, the researchers managed to collect relevant materials according to methodological indicators.