Organization of scientific and educational center Dec 13, 2013 | 11:12 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The institute of Geography of the ANAS and Baku State University signed anagramming on foundation of the scientific and educational Centre. (SEC) of geographical faculty of the BSU at the Institute of Geography ANAS.

 A memorandum on the mutual understanding was signed by the rector of the BSTE, academician Abel Maharramov and acting director of the Institute of Geography named acad. H.A.Aliyev car. Memb. Of the ANAS Ramiz Mammamov.

Celebration between the institute of Geography named after aced. H.A.Aliyev and BSU covers the following spheres;

Joint participation in training of scientific personal in perspective fields of the geographical science;

Joint use of material-technical base and trained cadre potential of the İnstitute of Geography and BSU in training of cadres and carrying out the scientific-research works;

Organization of impartment of professional skill of the pedagogical personnel, scientific workers, doctorants   and students in corresponding faculties, departments, scientific-research laboratories;

Joint participation in local and international programs and projects;

Joint publishing of scientific works, monographers, text-book and teaching aids on corresponding specialties;