A meeting was held with the chairman of the Yasamal district organization of the YAP Oct 26, 2023 | 03:10 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

A meeting was held with the chairman of the Yasamal district organization of the New Azerbaijan Party, Bakhtiyar Nabiyev at the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

General Director of the Institute of Geography Emin Zakirov made an opening speech and noted that the goals and objectives set by the founder of the New Azerbaijan Party, the great leader Heydar Aliyev, have already been fulfilled today. This is the restoration of social and political stability in the country, strengthening statehood, pursuing an independent policy, and most importantly, ensuring our territorial integrity, etc.

Azerbaijan won a great victory and managed to restore both historical justice and territorial integrity. Currently, restoration and construction work was proceeding at a rapid pace in the regions liberated from occupation. Effective use of the economic potential of these regions will greatly contribute to the sustainable development of our country.

The head of the institution urged the institute staff to be more active and actively participate in YAP activities.

Bakhtiyar Nabiyev noted that the New Azerbaijan Party, which plays an important role in the long-term development of Azerbaijan and determines the future priority goals and objectives of the country, has achieved a new qualitative change in its internal structure and has become stronger as a political organization. It was reported that the direct control of President Ilham Aliyev over the improvement and construction work carried out in the territories liberated from occupation is the main guarantee of success in this process.

The head of the department, Professor Rza Mahmudov, researcher Kamran Ramazanly and the chairman of the primary organization of the Institute, Mahbuba Fatullayeva, noted that President Ilham Aliyev is carrying out large-scale reforms in all spheres of life in accordance with the requirements of the time, in order to improve the well-being of citizens, strengthen the system of their social and economic security.