Professor Zakir Eminov made proposals on toponyms of Western Azerbaijan Nov 01, 2023 | 04:11 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Director General of the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor Zakir Eminov took part in public hearings on the topic “Toponyms of Western Azerbaijan: from distortion of history to restoration of justice” held in the Committee on Regional Affairs of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In his speech, the director of the institute noted that no matter how the Armenians changed and armenianized toponyms on the territory of Western Azerbaijan, no matter how they tried to falsify history, historical documents and maps leave no doubt that the names of places in Western Azerbaijan are of Turkic origin and that these territories are the ancient land of Azerbaijan.

Some Armenian intellectuals confirm that Armenians are a people who migrated to the territory of modern Armenia and that ethnic Azerbaijanis lived here.

The scientist also brought to the attention of the meeting participants the proposals he put forward on the topic.