The employees of IG took part in the Tabriz summit Nov 14, 2023 | 05:11 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The employees of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev, General Director, Doctor of Geography, Professor Zakir Eminov, head of the department of international and public relations Ms. Rzazadeh and researcher at the department of economic and political geography of Azerbaijan Nijat Imamverdiyev were on a business trip to the Islamic Republic of Iran at the invitation of the University of Tabriz.

The purpose of the trip was to participate in the “Tabriz International Investment Opportunities Summit” organized by the Tabriz Metropolitan Municipality, the University of Tabriz, the Islamic World Science Reference Base, the Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, etc.

The Tabriz International Conference on Investment Opportunities highlighted potential investment areas of the Tabriz International Conference and focused on improving living conditions, smart and creative cities, renewable energy, urban and regional infrastructure projects, environment and waste, medical and health tourism, agriculture, transport, trade.

Speakers at the summit - the governor of the province of East Azerbaijan, the mayor of the city of Tabriz, the imam of the Tabriz Juma Mosque, the rector of the University of Tabriz, the Consul General of Turkey in Tabriz, a businessman who owns Lala Park and others noted that this is important for the future development of Tabriz.

It has been reported that there are 1,400 municipalities in Iran whose revenues are unsatisfactory. The total budget of the city of Tabriz is $20 billion. If the return on investment is high, metro expansion opportunities will increase, more investment will be made in tourism development, and urban planning costs will increase. The speakers expressed confidence that today's summit, which is the largest international event dedicated to Iran's investment opportunities, will create new transformative opportunities in the areas of investment, economics and sustainable urban and regional development.

During the summit, General Director Zakir Eminov told numerous media about the main directions of economic relations between Azerbaijan and Tabriz, potential opportunities, the creation of budget enterprises, investments in the development of Tabriz territories, etc. and gave an interview.

The official part of the event ended with a small concert program by singer Rahim Shahriyar, an ardent promoter of Azerbaijani music in Iran and abroad.

The conference then continued its work in the format of panel sessions.

Professor Zakir Eminov made a report on the topic “The main directions and regulation of the demographic development of Karabakh.” In his report, the scientist analyzed the settlement of the population of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and its role in the territorial organization of the economy, the favorable natural and geographical conditions of the region, the influence of agroclimate and water resources on the settlement of the population, the development of cities and towns based on recently adopted economic zoning. He also reported on natural growth in the economic region and its impact on the formation of labor resources, the dynamics of fertility and infant mortality. The national conflicts that began in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, as well as the occupation of a significant part of the territories by neighboring Armenia after a short time, had a more serious impact on the dynamics of natural population growth.

Researcher Nijat Imamverdiyev gave detailed information about the use of green energy sources and their prospects in Azerbaijan in his speech on the topic “Potential, use and prospects of renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan”. He spoke about renewable energy generation plants built and planned by foreign investors, etc. He said the Islamic Republic of Iran can implement projects in this context and expand the country's renewable energy potential by attracting foreign investors, based on the experience of Azerbaijan.

During the visit, representatives of Azerbaijan, together with their Turkish colleagues, got acquainted with the university campus, took part in a meeting with doctoral and master's students, and got acquainted with the achievements of Tabriz scientists in the field of GIS.

After the event, representatives of Azerbaijan and Turkey were organized to visit the sights of Tabriz and the ancient village, which attracts tourists with houses located inside the rocks.

At the end, the Summit participants were presented with certificates and gifts.