An article by hydrologists was published in a journal with a high index Dec 01, 2023 | 03:12 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Article by the Head of the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev, Doctor of Geography, Prof. Rza Makhmudov and leading researcher of the department, PhD in geography, Associate Professor Mevlud Teymurov “Assessment of the water balance of the territory and rivers water resources using a new operational-interactive method” with Scopus Index and US Impact Factor (ISSN) 1932-2321), was published in the journal Reliability: Theory & Applications.

The article proposes a new method for calculating the water balance and water resources of river basins - the comprehensive water balance method (CWBM). CWBM is based on reliable scientific sources (satellite imagery, GIS technologies, actual scientific approaches, leading hydrological models). A comparison of actual and calculated runoff values using the CWBM method for 113 river basins of Azerbaijan shows that the error between them was up to 10% for 92 rivers and 10-15% for 21 rivers.