An event took place within the framework of COP 29 at BDU May 02, 2024 | 09:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

A meeting of students with employees of the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev was held as part of COP 29 at the Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC).

Presentations were made by the head of the “Medical Geography” department, Ph.D. Solmaz Rzayeva on the topic “Diseases arising against the backdrop of climate change in Azerbaijan and their medical-geographical basis”, senior researcher at the department of “Geomorphology and natural risks”, Ph.D. Samira Abushova on the topic “Terrorism committed in the occupied lands.” They spoke about the deterioration of the environmental situation, modern climate change, the results of air pollution leading to premature mortality of the population from cardiovascular, pulmonary and respiratory diseases, as well as the destruction of the Karabakh ecosystem, the tragedies that the natural environment has experienced, and ways to solve environmental problems, and also answered questions from teachers and students.