Geographers took part in the seminar “Women in Water Diplomacy” May 02, 2024 | 05:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Senior Researcher at the Institute of Geography named after Acad. H.Aliyev, PhD Natavan Jafarova and graduate student of the institute Shahnaz Amanova took part as experts in the seminar “Women in Water Diplomacy in the South Caucasus”, held in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The event, supported by a grant from the Netherlands Research Council and USAID South Caucasus Regional Water Management, aimed to explore the interrelationships of women, water, peace and security and consider ways to support and improve women's participation in transboundary water decision-making processes at different levels.

The seminar, aimed at women's participation in diplomacy and decision-making on transboundary waters, discussed the creation of a regional network for women working in the field of water management and environmental cooperation.