An employee of the Institute of Geography took part in the event of BRICS geographers Aug 28, 2024 | 03:08 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

From August 17 to 25, Nazim Gerayli, a junior researcher at the Institute of Geography named after Academician G. Aliyev, took part in an event organized by BRICS and the Russian Geographical Society on the occasion of the Day of BRICS Geographers in Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared August 19 as the Day of BRICS Geographers. The event organized on this occasion was held as part of the development of the initiative to create a single professional holiday for the countries that are part of the interstate association of Russia.

As part of the experimental program "New Generation", geographers became acquainted with the specially protected territories of the Republic of Khakassia and the natural and geographical conditions of Western Siberia as a whole, as well as with the customs and traditions of the local peoples who settled here thousands of years ago. The participants were shown the work done in the field of environmental protection and tourism organization.

At the beginning of the program, a tour of the Interactive Nature Museum “House of the Snow Leopard” in the Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve was organized for specialists in the fields of nature.