An article by IG employees on tourism development has been published Feb 07, 2025 | 11:02 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The staff of the Department of History of Geographical Thought and Toponomics of the Institute of Geography, the head of the department, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor Habil Hagverdiyev and Senior Researcher Mahbuba Fatullayeva took part in the V International Congress of Social Sciences, Innovation and Educational Technologies, organized in online format by the Turkish Global Academy in Bangalore, India.

 The article of the co-authors "The Role of Climate and Geographical Factors in Assessing the Development of Tourism in Karabakh" was published in the materials of the conference "ICSSIET CONGRESS".

 The article talks about the success of the climate assessment strategy at the state level for the revival of the tourism sector and the well-being of the population in the Karabakh region.