Scientific and practical seminar Apr 23, 2015 | 08:04 / EVENTS

Took place scientific and practical seminar of young scientists and specialists of the Institute of Geography on “Environmental problems of the Earth and the environment” dedicated to the International Day of the Earth.

The seminar was attended by students invited at the request of Student Youth Organization of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

Samira Alekberova, chairman of the Council of young scientists and specialists of the Institute of Geography, made an opening speech. She informed the participants and guests of the meeting about the work of the Council and showed a video which widely familiarizes with the activities of the Council. She spoke on “Nature and Ecology”. Informing about the history and meaning of Earth Day, shenoted that more than 30 years celebrate this day in many countries around the world.

Bahar Taghiyeva, chairman of Student Youth Organization of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, spoke about the activities of her organization. She thanked the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Geography for the high level of conducted seminars. The junior researcher Gulnar Hajiyeva, a doctoral student of dep-mnt of ecogeography of the Institute, gave a presentation on “Environmental problems of summer pastures on north-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus”. She stressed the influence of anthropogenic factors on the terrain of Azerbaijan and spoke about the ways of solving these problems.

Rauf Amanov, junior researcher of the depmnt of “Cartography and geographic information” reported about “Experience of map creation in the GIS environment”.

The participation of young scientists: d.f.g. Zaur Imrani, d.f.g.N.Jafarova, R.Amanov, S.Abushova in discussion and their helpful suggestions have made the seminar more interesting.