Event of the council of Young Scientists and Specialists Jun 05, 2015 | 09:06 / EVENTS

June 4, 2015 the Council of Young Scientists and specialists of the Institute of Geography named acad. Hasan Aliyev of ANAS held a workshop sessionon the theme “Modern geographical research and study in the GIS environment” with pupils of Modern Education Complex named after Heydar Aliyev. The purpose of the workshop was to increase interest in geographical science and geographical knowledge of pupils of the educational complex.

After a general acquaintance with the Institute, children visited the department of cartography and geographic information, equipped with the most modern equipment. Rauf Amanov, junior researcher of the department, member of the Council of young scientists and specialists, informed pupils about creating base of maps and geospatial data with the help of software ArcGIS 10,2 and acquainted them with high-speed computers, professional scanners and protters.

Also, pupils of the Educational Complex watched the process of determining microelements of soil and water with the help of X-ray fluorescence of tabletop spectrometer “CEP-01 ElvaX”.

Samira Alekperova, Chairman of the Council, showed a video dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Geography. Young scientists answered questions of children.