seminar-conference “the role of tourism in sustainable development” May 25, 2017 | 03:05 / CONFERENCES

May 25, 2017 a seminar-conference was held on the theme “The role of tourism in sustainable development” in the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev of ANAS. It was organized by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists for students of the geographical faculty of the Baku Girls University. The event was devoted to the issues of sustainable development of tourism and assistance in the further activities of students in the field of geography.

Samira Alekperova, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists opened the event with a welcoming speech, spoke about the work of the council and noted the importance and urgency of raising interest and stimulating geographic science.

Then Z. Imrani gave a presentation on the role of tourism in sustainable development. He stressed that tourism occupies an important place in the economic activity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, contributing to the opening of new jobs, the development of infrastructure, folk creativity and construction of hotels.

The main goal of sustainable development is expressed in meeting the needs and desires of people. In recent years, the concept of sustainable tourism development is taken as a basis in the development of the world tourism base.