Gardashov's trip to Germany. May 10, 2016 | 01:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The corresponding member of ANAS Rauf Gardashov, senior researcher of the department of “The Caspian Sea problems”, has been in a mission in Germany, in Berlin.

During 1-8 May he participated in the research trip organized by RENAC AG “Renewables Academy” and the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce under the “Export Initiative for Energy Efficiency” of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy, on the theme “Energy of wind, solar and bioenergy in Berlin and adjacent areas.

The main objective of the participation of Azerbaijani scientist on this trip was to apply in Azerbaijan the knowledge and experience of German experts in the field.

During the event were discussed issues of providing electricity in villages, towns and even the region by using solar energy and bioenergy. For this purpose, participants of the event visited the various facilities, participated in seminars on relevant topics.

Events that took place in the framework of the scientific mission:

      1) Visit to the “passive house and a seminar

       2) Visit to the Feldheym village located 150 km from Berlin, self-sufficient in energy of wind, solar and bioenergy, and sells monthly energy costing 80-100 euros; workshop.

      3) Visit to the Adlershof Technology Park (the former town of the Academy of Sciences of   the GDR) and seminar on the theme: “Energy Conversion: Adlershof towards the energy efficient city”.

      4) Visit to the company “Autarsys and familiarization with the energy accumulation system"

      5) Final discussion and evaluation of the trip RENAC AG.