Creation of scientific relations of the IG with Institute of Atmospheric Physics of RAS Aug 31, 2017 | 11:08 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

   On 30 august our compatriot, PhD in phys/math. Mirseyid Akbarov, junior researcher of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Russian Academy of sciences, visited the Institute of Geography named acad. H.A.Aliyev at a meeting with a group of the Institute’s employees with the aim of creating inter-institutional relations. Deputy Director for science, PhD in geography Maharram Hasanov, presented the guest to the participants of the meeting and explained the reason of this visit.

  Then M.Akbarov told about the activity of the scientific enterprise in which he works and noted that the Institute is engaged in studying dynamics of the atmosphere, developing new methods for determining parameters, investigating the upper atmosphere, as well as climate issues, creating its models and diagnosing the climate system. The young scientist informed the leadership of his Institute about the initiative to create scientific relations with the Institute of Geography of Azerbaijan. He was sent here to this end.

  An exchange of views took place on global world problems: climate change, warming, and change in of surface water level. It was decided to hold joint events around various topics and exchange of opinions, organize scientific seminars, conferences and meetings. They would have positive impact on research in this area.