Academician showed a master class. Feb 02, 2016 | 11:02 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

According to the target program of the Ministry of Education of the Republic “From Science to Education”, February 9, the Director of the ANAS Institute of Geography, academician Ramiz Mammadov, held a demonstration lesson at a high level for pupils of 9-10 classes in classical gymnasium №160.    

The event, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic and Baku City Education Department was attended by representatives of these organizations, the press, deputy director of IG, corresponding member of ANAS Elbrus Alizade, director of the gymnasium Faina Alakbarova and geography teachers.

Academiciam R.Mammadov made an extensive report on the theme “Geography from observation to basic science and application.

He informed in detail the audience about the importance of geographical science, its role and position in modern society, as well as objects of research, trends and other functions. The scientist, who has spent most of his life studying the Caspian Sea, has given a special place in his report to the subject “Problems of the Caspian Sea on the background of climate change”. He also stressed the activities of corresponding member of ANAS Elbrus Alizade, author of a series of global maps.

Students listened with great attention to the academician, asking him interminable questions about the variability of the Caspian Sea level and pollution, the dangers of floods for the economy of Azerbaijan, the impact of oil production on seismological state etc. The academician enjoyed listening to the students and answered in detail to all their questions.

At the end of the event R.Mammadov made a gift to the gymnasium geography section: “Hydrometeorological Atlas of the Caspian Sea” and the three-volume monograph “Geography of the Azerbaijan Republic”. He also invited pupils to weekly research seminars in the Institute of Geography. Elbrus Alizade told about the possibility of the students to see the activity of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists.

The director of classical gymnasium №160 Faina Alekperova thanked academician Ramiz mammadov for an interesting meeting which will further increase the desire of pupils to study geography.

Xanim Rzazade

Responsible of GI for PR