Ramiz Mahmud oglu Mammadov Feb 04, 2018 | 12:02 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Ramiz Mahmud oglu Mammadov was born in 1950 in the Republic of Georgia, Gardabani district, Garajalar village. He left the secondary school in 1967 and en-tered the Azerbaijan State University, faculty of physics.

In 1973 he began his scientific activity at the Centre of Problems of the Caspian Sea, Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan Republic. In 1975-1976 on the decision of Dissertation Council of the Institute of Geography he was sent to the Moscow Oceanlogical Institute as a probationer. In 1977 he entered the full-time post-graduate course of that institute. In 1980 he was awarded his can-didate's degree on the subject of "The turbulent exchange in shallow seas and fresh waterly basins".

R.Mammadov returned Baku and within the 1980-1985 worked as a head of the Caspian Scientific-Research Station, Azerbaijan Scientific-Production Association of Space Researches. On the decision of Presidium of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences in 1985 he firstly worked at the Institute of Geology, then in 1989 was again returned back to the Institute of Geography. Since 1991 he is the head of the Centre of Problems of the Caspian Sea, Institute of Geography, at the same time since 1995 he works a deputy director on science in the mentioned Institute.

In 1996 he defended his doctor's thesis on the subject of "Changeability of hy-drophysical areas of the Caspian Sea and their influence on diffusion of pollutants'' and became Doctor of Technical Sciences, in 2001 was elected Corresponding Member of the ANAS on the specialty of "Geography". In 2009 he 1as awarded academic status «Professor" by the Supreme Attestation Commission of Azerbaijan on the specialty of «Hydrology".

R.Mammadov is a known scientist and authority in the field of researches of the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan and in the world as well. His scientific researches were devoted to actual problems of the Caspian Sea mainly the hydrology, hydrology, hydrophyiscis, mutual influence of atmosphere and sea, study of turbulent exchange and turbulent diffusion in the sea, creation of physical and geographical model of diffusion of pollutants in the sea, status and ecogeographical problems of Caspian Sea.

The transborder water problems of the Kur-Araz basin, study of desertification process in Azerbaijan, landscape planning and environmental protection are also R.Mammadov’s basic research directions.

In 1997 be compiled "The Hydrometeorological Atlas of the Caspian Sea" which consists of 275 maps.

The transboundary water problems of the Kur-Araz basin are also of his research interest. In 2009 the United Nations Association held an international seminar on the topic "Managing of transboundary risks of formation of floods" in Jenev and R.Mammadov made a report titled "Controlling of floods in the Kur basin by the method of water resources integration".

R.Mammadov was participator of more than 15 sea expeditions and most of them were headed by him, their research plans were also prepared by him. He was participator of a number of international expeditions carried out in Pacific and Indian oceans, Black and Baltic seas.

In 2005 R.Mammadov wrote a monograph jointly with Russian scientists called "Modern situation of the Caspian Sea" ordered by the publishing house "Nauka", Moscow. A new generalization is carried out related to modern situation of the Caspian Sea and the authors views to this problem are elucidated in the monograph.

R.Mammadov' s scientific works were published in the famous scientific jour-nals and publishing houses ("Spinger", "Nauka", "Academic Guliavert", etc.) of the world. He is the author of 320 articles, 15 books. 1 atlas. His about 20 works were included into the major results of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

R.Mammadov was a member of administrative personnel of the topic of "The World Ocean" carried out by the countries of the Council of Mutual Economic Support in 1980-1986. He took part in the works of international expeditions carried out in Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. He compiled the complex research plan of the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan. He is one of the organizers and active participants of international and republican conferences concerned to the Caspian Sea being held in Baku.

Since 2002 he is chairman of the Doctorate Dissertation Council of the Institute of Geography, since 2005 the Coordination Council on Caspian Sea Researches and since 2002 he is a member of the International Scientific Council on Fundamental Problems of the Science of Geography (Moscow). He is a member of Pure water international centre of the Directors Council formed under the Black Sea Economic Coordination Organization.

He is President of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society, President of the Consultative Council of International Ecological Centres founded for the countries of South Caucasus by the European Union. Academician Ramiz Mammadov was awarded the State Prize of Azerbaijan for “Geography of the Azerbaijan Republic” whose editor-in-chief was and which is one of his greatest achievements.

During his leadership the Institute has made serious progress. He resort to the latest innovative technology in research and requires it from all employees. With his diligence and dedication and creativity, academician R.Mammadov serves as an excellent example for young people.

Congratulations to our dear academician on his birthday and wish him health, longevity and new creative successes.