First volume of the “Geography of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” was published Feb 28, 2018 | 03:02 / NEW PUBLICATIONS

The first volume of two-volumes “Geography of the Nakhchivan Autonomous  Republic” was published under the editor-in-chief of academician Ramiz Mammadov.

In the 1st volume of "Physical Geography" the results of the latest scientific research were given on the rich natural conditions and resources of the Nakhchivan Autonomous  Republic and various branches covering it: orography, geologic structure, geomorphology, climate, inland waters, soil, vegetation and fauna.

The landscape is studied; the units of physical and geographical zoning are separated and commented.

The monograph is an indispensable source for specialists, teachers and students of higher education institutions.

Scientific editors of the book were the academician Ismayil Hajiyev and the late corr.member of ANAS Elbrus Alizade.

The editorial board included: academician Tariel Talibov, correspondent members of ANAS Saleh Maharramov and Talat Kengerli, Doctors of geography sciences Huseyn Khalilov and Rana Gashgay, Ph.Ds. in geography Maharram Hasanov, N.Bababeyli, Sitara Tarihazar and Irina Kuchinskaya.