A seminar on Earth Day was held at the Institute of Geography Apr 23, 2018 | 05:04 / EVENTS

April 23, at the Geography Institute, the seminar devoted to the International   Day of the Earth, organized by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute. The aim of the seminar was to familiarize schoolchildren with the main sources of environmental pollution that have a negative impact on the human body, explain to them ways to prevent and solve environmental problems.

By tradition, schoolchildren visited the exhibition, reflecting the activities of IG. Then, they visited the department of cartography and cartographic information, where they saw new technologies of geographic information.

The seminar continued in the conference hall. The chairwoman of Council of young Scientists and specialists, Samira Alekperova, spoke about the activities of the Council and the history and significance of Earth Day, made a report on the topic “Ecology and environmental protection”.

Deputy director of IG, doc. M.Hasanov, spoke stressing the need to protect the environment.

Deputy Director of the Center for the development of Children and Youth, PhD in biology, Lala Dadasheva, thanked the staff of the IG in the person of the director Ramiz Mammadov for the excellent organization of the event.

At the end of the seminar the pupils os school num. 245 tjgether with the members of the circle of “Young local historians” showed a performance dedicated to the International Earth Day, prepared under the guidance of nazaket Ibrahimova, specialist of the center.

The performance aroused great interest among those present.