The employee of the IG spoke at the first workshop of the Green Climate fund Jun 05, 2018 | 06:06 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Scientific employee of the Department of Climate and Climatology of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS, Jamila Akhmedova, participated in the first workshop of the project of the Readiness of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which was held in Baku.  

This project aims to establish a framework for participation in the GCF, assistance to the relevant state body of the republic, implementation of measures to eliminate the impact of climate change and adaptation to them.

The workshop was attended by representatives of ANAS, relevant ministries, the Civil Society and representatives invited from private sectors. Extensive speeches and discussions were held on the cooperation of interested parties and experts with the Green Climate Fund of our country, on the ways of this cooperation and other issues.