Presentation of the project in Yevlakh Jul 13, 2018 | 11:07 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The presentation of the project “Development of the skills of using electronic maps and multimedia resources for geography teachers” was held at the secondary school of Yukhari Garkhun village in Yevlakh region. It have been presented by project manager Jamal Barkhudarov, the geography teacher of the school, winner of the 2nd grant competition on individual category in the field of development and innovation in education.

The event was attended by the head of the Education department of Yevlakh region Khaleddin Niftaliyev, the director of the secondary school of Garadeyin village in Agdash region, PhD in geography Agil Isayev- winner of the republican contest “The best teacher”, “E-learning”, employees of the Institute of geography after acad. H.Aliyev of ANAS –Yashar Nasibov, the scientific employee and responsible of the de AGS-Emil Jabrayilov, leading researcher, PhD and doc. Habil Rustamov- project expert, teachers of geography of the region schools and representatives of media.

    The aim of the project is to improve the professional level of geography teachers, prepare new training resources and to implement other activities. Terms of the project : June 20 to October 20, 2018. Teachers of geography from schools of Yevlakh, Bardam Aghdash and Mingachevir will participate in trainings under the project.