Studies have been conducted in Jeyranchel low mountains Nov 13, 2018 | 04:11 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The head of the Department of Geography of Land Resources at IG, PhD in a.s., doc. Ismayil Guliyev and the chief researcher of this dep-t, Dr. of Sc. Mahmud Khalilov, visited the lowland of Jeyranchel on soil studies.

The 10-day expedition was supported by the Foundation for the Development of Science under the President of the AR. The subject of research was to study exodynamic and subsurface processes in land changed as a result of human activity, ecological normalization and management models of the quality of these lands.

In the course of the work, the physical features of the soil were studied by genetic layers, the current state of the soil cover, changes in the process of land formation under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors were studied.

Samples of soil samples were taken for morphological analysis.