IG employees visited secondary scool in Surakhani Nov 23, 2018 | 11:11 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

A group of employees of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS PhD in geography: head of the dept Abil Akhverdiyev, Etibar Badalov, Rafail Abdullayev and Sitara Tarikhazer, junior researcher Zeinab Mirzayeva, as well as doctoral student Dilbar Mammadova visited the school num. 232 in Bul-Bula village in Surakhani district.

The purpose of the event was to increase scientific outlook and interest in geographical science among schoolchildren, encouraging them to creative and scientific research, directing the activities of talented students who have potential.

The Institute staff asked about teaching geography, the level of student’s knowledge, their interest in this subject and related activities. They participated in the “Azerbaijan- country of fire” event held during the month of geography with the participation of students of the department of geography of the Small Academy.