Report on plant growing development at the Scientific Workshop Apr 17, 2019 | 05:04 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

The report of the head of Department of Economic and Political geography, D.Sc. in geography Nariman Pashayev, took place at the mixt meeting of Scientific Council and Scientific Workshop of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS on the theme “Economic-geographical study of sustainable and long-term development of plants in Azerbaijan”.

The speaker emphasized the development of the material and technical base contributing to the intensive development of agriculture.

A great deal of work is being done at the state level to provide this area with qualified personnel, mineral fertilizers, and pest control.

In the farm family they bought new machinery, equipment, chemicals by agroleasing. But there is a problem of fresh water.

It was revealed that out of 600 thousand hectares of irrigated fields in Azerbaijan, many are saline. The most saline are the territories of the economic and geographical region of Aran. If we do not take measures against the salinization of land in time, their zone will expand and lead to the degradation of even larger areas and vegetation.

The researcher sees the cause of this process in the irrational use of land and natural and climatic resources.

Reduced production of agriculture products has created serious problems in meeting domestic demand.

While imports of agricultural products increased significantly, the weight of traditional export products reduced sharply.

Prices for fruits and vegetables increased. The work is not organized at the proper level. Agricultural production remains on the field, and the state suffers heavy losses.

In the summer, grain and other essential foods are not collected on time.

Such branches of agriculture as grain growing, cotton and tobacco growing, cultivation of tea, fruit and vegetables develop as priority directions.