The employee of the Department of Demography and Population attended the presentation ceremony of the “Small academy” May 06, 2019 | 01:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Senior officer of the department of Demography and Population of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of ANAS, PhD Etibar Badalov, visited once again school num. 232 in the village Bulbula of Surakhani district, at the presentation prepared by members of the “Small academy”.  

The event, organized in order to strengthen the activities of Small academies in secondary schools in accordance with the program of integration of science and education “From science to education”, was attended by representatives of the Baku city education administration, school directors, small business leaders, teachers and pupils.

In his speech E.Badalov spoke about the close ties of the IG employees with schools, about numerous meetings of scientists with schoolchildren, which contribute to the discovery of the scientific potential of students, to awakening interest in scientific research and activities.

Members of “Small academy” successfully engaged since its inception, shared the results of their work with the participants. School directors noted that they benefited from the positive experience of the “academy” and used it in their work.