The names of geographical objects of Azerbaijan are being studied Mar 16, 2020 | 10:03 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The names of geographical objects of Azerbaijan are being studied at the Institute of Geography named after academician Hasan Aliyev of ANAS.

First of all, toponyms in the Aran zone were investigated. The studies were carried out on the basis of materials from toponyms of Salyan and Saatli regions.

The place names belonging to Saatli were collected and studied from various sources (large-scale toponymic maps, historical and ethnographic works, census materials, etc.).

Preliminary results show that, although the main toponymic background is Azerbaijani (Turkic), there are also toponyms with Arabic and Persian words. In Oikonomy, the names of settlements bearing the names of genealogies (Jomushchu, Garajalar, Alisoltanli, etc.) and personal names (Nasimi, Jafarkhan, Mammad, etc.) predominate. A number of oikonyms have been modified for various reasons.

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