Distance education to be organized for undergraduates of ANAS Mar 30, 2020 | 11:03 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

It is known that in order to prevent the spread of a new type of coronavirus infection in Azerbaijan from March 3, 2020, the educational process in all educational institutions operating in the country, including the ANAS magistracy, was suspended. Meanwhile, from March 24, 2020, a special quarantine regime was announced in the country as part of the fight against coronavirus.

ANAS President academician Ramiz Mehdiyev signed a decree on ensuring the timely implementation of the educational process for undergraduates of the institution headed by him.

Thus, it is planned to organize distance (remote) training for undergraduates studying in the master studies of ANAS. The teaching staff involved in the educational process was recommended to teach the topics provided for in their plans (training programs), based on electronics, telecommunications, software and hardware via the Internet.

The instruction also contained relevant instructions for assessing the knowledge and skills acquired by undergraduates in the study of relevant subjects during distance learning, independent work and online colloquiums.

Control over the execution of the order was entrusted to the academician-secretary of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov.

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