Medical geography and infectious diseases of the modern time Apr 21, 2020 | 11:04 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The article by Solmaz Rzayeva, a researcher at the department of Medical Geography of the Institute of Geography is devoted to the importance of medical geography as a field of science, its creation, the health of population and its relationship with the environment.

The author talks about the methodology of medical geography research, the need to take into account natural and social factors that have a great influence on the nature of the spread of diseases. She points to the fact that the environmental situation has worsened around the world at the beginning of the 21st century.

According to the author, anthropogenic changes, human intervention in natural processes violate the laws of nature, which lead to global climate change. S.Rzayeva mentions such factors as urbanization, population growth, technological progress and lists the viral diseases that preceded today’s COVID 19 pandemic. She emphasizes the need to research the causes of this virus and ways to eradicate it.