The book "Cartographic Studies of Landscape Diversity" was published Sep 22, 2020 | 01:09 / NEW PUBLICATIONS

The book "Cartographic Studies of Landscape Diversity" was published by the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev of ANAS.

The new monograph by the head of the department, PhD in geography Shamil Azizov is called "Cartographic Study of Landscape Diversity".

The monograph is devoted to the study of scientific and methodological issues of the landscape diversity of the Greater Caucasus and adjacent territories (within Azerbaijan) using cartographic research methods, the development of cartographic landscape measurement and landscape mapping.

The book can be used by cartographers, geographers, landscape researchers involved in morphometry and cartography of landscapes, as well as soil scientists, geobotanists, university professors, bachelors, masters and other persons studying physical geography and cartography.