Scientist spoke on ATV about environmental terrorism in our liberated territories Nov 20, 2020 | 02:11 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Head of the Department of Political and Economic Geography, Institute of Geography named after acad. H.A. Aliev, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Nariman Pashayev was a guest of the Sahar TV program on the ATV channel.

Clarifying the ecological situation in the territories liberated from the enemy, the scientist said that as a result of the occupation policy of Armenia, our geographic space, natural resources, industry, agriculture, social infrastructure, resorts and tourism - first of all, our population is subject to terrorism.

He said that as a result of the occupation, large political and geographical problems arose in the territories not controlled by Azerbaijan, all communication systems between Nakhchivan and Azerbaijan were destroyed, and the Autonomous Republic became an enclave.

In the rich and unique territories of Azerbaijan, the lands were degraded, water resources were polluted with toxic substances, and natural resources were brutally exploited and taken out of the country.