Nakhcivan expedition Jul 07, 2016 | 02:07 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Employees of the department of “Landscape and landscape planning”- leading researcher, assistant prof. M.I.Yunusov, senior researcher E.D. Kerimova, and leading researcher, assistant prof. I.Y. Kuchinskaya- have been on a business trip in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

A great assistance in studies was exerted by the head of the department “Geography” of the faculty “Natural Science and Agriculture and agriculture” in NSU, PhD in geography, a.p. N.S.Bababeyli.

The business trip was carried out according to the project on “Biogeochemical regionalization and regional forecasting of public health of Azerbaijan”, which is done in the framework of multi-disciplinary research program of ANAS.

This project is dedicated to the study of the influence of eco-geochemical, landscape conditions of different regions of Azerbaijan on the health of local populations, migration regularities of macro- and microelements and their concentration in the environment.

In the framework of the project was already made an expedition on the Major and Minor Caucasus, the Kure-Araz lowland and Lenkoran-Talysh zone, where was collected an extensive field material.

During the current visit to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic have been studied in detail its landscape-geochemical, ecological features. To this purpose, on the territory of the autonomous republic were scheduled 20 areas distinct on their geochemical features with landscape components typical for the region.

Particular attention was paid to tthe study of landscape environment in the areas of human settlements and their neighborhoods.

In total, the scientists have taken more than 65 samples of soil, vegetation, water and rocks for further spectral analysis in the laboratory.