The article was published in an international journal Apr 06, 2021 | 02:04 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Employees of the Institute of Geography of ANAS named after Acad. H.Aliyev  - Ph.D. Juma Mamedov and researcher Zulfali Rasulov are co-authors of an article titled “A new approach to calculating the largest suspended sediment flow rates of mudflows taking into account the main natural factors, published in the journal with the impact factor“ Vestnik Geonauk ”. The work is devoted to the methodology for calculating the maximum rate from floods on the rivers of the Lesser Caucasus. The study used observations of the largest expenditures of the Department of Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan until 2000 and data from the expedition until 2016. To expand the range of the highest costs, the ratio Q highest = A (R highest), established for 2000-2015, was used.

The parameters of physical and geographical factors affecting the highest flow rate of suspended sediments were analyzed separately and in combination. A method was developed for calculating the maximum consumption of suspended sediment for the study area; calculation error is up to ± 25%. The obtained equations can be used to describe and study the parameters of mudflows of unexplored rivers of the Lesser Caucasus.