Memorandum was signed Jul 12, 2016 | 01:07 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Turkish Dokuz Eylul  Unihe versity, represented by the Director of the Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology (IMST), prof. Erdeniz Yozel and Institute of Geography named after acad.H.Aliyev of ANAS, represented by academicaian Ramiz Mammadov.


According to the Memorandum, the sides will implement joint activities and programs in areas of mutual interest.

Between the researchers of the Institute of Marine Science and Technology and the administrator of the Institute of Oceanography (IO) will be provide a mechanism for dialogue and planned and carried out new joint different research programs on marine science, technology and maritime investigations.

The exchange of scientific personnel will be simplified in connection with the joint programs.

The term of the Memorandum provided for 5 years, can be extended by mutual agreement of the parties.

It is appropriate to note that the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation was founded in February of this year, during a visit to the Institute of Geography of Turkish oceanographers- prof. Dr. Mustafa Ergun, the Executive Director of the International Islamic Science and technology Network in Oceanology and Dr. Gunay Chifchi, professor of the Dokuz Eylül University.