An article was published about the famous traveler H.Z. Shirvani Apr 05, 2024 | 07:04 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

"Respublika" newspaper published an article by professor Zakir Eminov, general director of the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and associate professor Habil Hagverdiev, under the title "Scientific-theoretical activity of Haji Zeynalabdin Shirvani, a geographer and traveler". 

The opinions and value of Haji Zeynalabdin Shirvani, the world-famous traveler and encyclopedic scientist, philosopher, who is considered one of the classics of the world geography science, and the value they give him, are widely included in the article.

The authors state that much remains to be written in order to create a complete picture of the rich history, philosophical, geographical, literary heritage and personality of the traveler-scientist in the world of science. Further study of his precious historical, geographical, literary heritage, valuable ideas and thoughts related to philosophy, ethnography is the main task facing modern Azerbaijani science: "Despite two centuries since his works were written, they have not yet been translated into his native language. It is assumed that our scientists who love their homeland and value science will cope with this task."