The event took place within the framework of the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World” May 01, 2024 | 02:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

A round table was held at secondary school No. 18 named after. Mikail Mushfig in Baku within the framework of the “Year of Solidarity in the Name of a Green World” on the topic “Methods of restoration of Karabakh and the use of modern methods of urban planning” with the participation of scientists from the Institute of Geography named after. Academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The General Director of the Institute, Professor Zakir Eminov, made a presentation on this topic at the event.

The meeting was attended by the executive director of the institute, associate professor, PhD in geography Zaur Imrani, leading researcher at the Department of Demography and Geography of Population, PhD Etibar Badalov and the chairman of the trade union organization of the institute, Kamran Ramazanly. They spoke about restoration and construction work in the territories liberated from occupation, the historical and geographical features of the city of Shusha, development based on the “smart city” concept.

Students heard the information about transforming Karabakh into a “green energy” zone, the use of renewable energy sources in the region, environmentally friendly technologies, the use of vehicles and other priority issues.

At the end, students of grade VIII and geography teachers of the school made an informative presentation.