GeoNight International event took place May 02, 2024 | 03:05 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Executive Director of the Institute of Geography named after аcad. H. Aliyev, Associate Professor Zaur Imrani, took part in the GeoNight International event, which our country joined under the slogan: “Karabakh is Azerbaijan!”

This event organized by France, Italy and the International Geographical Union, is held every year around the world on the same day to raise awareness of geography and geographers, introduce geographical concepts and research to the general public, and make geographical research more accessible.

The organizer of the event held in Azerbaijan, as usual, is the project manager Yashar Seidaliyev, and the winner of the “Grant in Education” competition was the project “Preparation for the International Olympiad in Geography iGeo Azerbaijan”.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia, scientists, schoolchildren and school teachers, directors, teachers and heads of universities.

At the same time, the head of the department of geography of tourism and recreation, Zaur Imrani, spoke at an event on the topic “Criteria, directions and modern methodological approaches for assessing the geographical aspects of tourism in Karabakh.”