The 70th anniversary of geologist Rashid Fataliyev celebrated Jun 11, 2024 | 03:06 / JUBILEES

Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A. Aliyev celebrated the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of geology and mineralogy, associate professor Rashid Fataliyev, leading researcher in the department of paleogeography.

Rashid Fataliev was born in Aghstafa in 1954; in 1971 he graduated from high school there, and in 1976 he graduated from the geological and geographical faculty of Azerbaijan State University with a degree in geological engineer.

He was a geologist, senior geologist and chief geologist in the Oryol region of Russia in 1976-77, in the Lesser Caucasus expedition of Azerbaijan in 1977-89, and in 1986-89 a senior geologist-consultant within the framework of technical assistance from the USSR in the Republic of Cuba.

After returning from a foreign business trip, R. Fataliyev worked in the central office of the State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources from 1989 to 1992 as a senior geologist of the geological department, as well as a leading specialist on foreign economic issues under the management.

Since 1992, he was invited to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, worked as a consultant in the petroleum and chemical department of the Apparatus, head of the environmental department, deputy head of the department, and chief adviser to the Civil Service. Awarded the medal "For Distinction in Public Service".

After retiring in December 2015, he worked as a leading researcher at the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A. Aliyev. He is a author of more than 40 scientific articles and relevant sections in 3 monographs.

Fataliev, who speaks several foreign languages, has visited Turkey, Norway, France, Iran, Greece, Germany, Japan and other countries. He participated and made presentations at a number of international meetings and conferences held in foreign countries.

Along with articles in scientific journals, more than 100 scientific mass and journalistic articles on nature and natural phenomena were published in various press agencies and Internet sites of the republic, 3 volumes were published.

The management of the Institute of Geography, the Trade Union, as well as the entire staff sincerely congratulate Rashid Fataliyev on his 70th birthday, wish him good health, inexhaustible energy and new creative success.