The specialty exams were passed successfully Jun 13, 2024 | 01:06 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

In accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 29, 2020, examinations in the specialty for the preparation of a Doctor of Philosophy were held at the Institute of Geography named after. Academician H. Aliyev MSEO AR. In total, 5 candidates took part in the exams, chaired by the director of the institute, Professor Zakir Eminov, 1203.01 - 4 people in the technical direction, in the specialty "Informatics", 3338.01 - 1 person in system analysis, management and information processing. Members of commissions created for different specialties assessed the level of knowledge with appropriate points.

 The results of all applicants are considered satisfactory.