An international seminar on geoparks was held with the participation of IG Jul 03, 2024 | 02:07 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Employees of the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev - executive director -PhD, associate professor Zaur Imrani, leading researcher in the department of "Landscape research and landscape planning" - associate professor, PhD Elina Kerimova, researcher at the Department of Demography and Population Geography Beyimkhanym Huseynova and doctoral student Aslan Babakhanov took part in the international seminar “Geopark Management in the South Caucasus”, held in Germany, at the Justus Liebix University of Giessen.

The week-long seminar was organized jointly with the Department of Geography of the University of Giessen (Germany), the Institute of Geography named after V. Bagrationi Tbilisi State University I. Javakhishvili (Georgia), Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev MNO AR and the DAAD Foundation (German Academic Exchange Service). The event discussed the organization, planning and prospects of geoparks in the South Caucasus, problems that may arise during their work and their solutions, the creation of a geopark database, difficulties and limitations that may arise when collecting field data. The issues of creating and developing geoparks in areas with great potential in the South Caucasus were discussed.

Presentations were made by Z. Imrani “Natural monuments of Azerbaijan and potential territories for the creation of geoparks”, B. Huseynova “Prospects for geoparks and geotourism in Azerbaijan: development and management”, A. Babakhanov “Ways for inventorying geoparks: SmartGIS integration to improve the quality of information ".