IG employees participated in the elections as observers Sep 02, 2024 | 04:09 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Employees of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Azerbaijan Republic - deputy chairman of the primary territorial organization Mahbuba Fatullayeva, Khalima Ahmedzade, Mahsati Jafarova, Turana Huseynova and Vusala Rasulzade took part in the election process to the Milli Majlis as observers.

Observers carefully monitored the conditions created at the polling stations, the voting process, as well as the transparency and correctness of the electoral process at polling stations No. 23, 24, 30, 40, 34 of the second Yasamal electoral district No. 2. 16.

The report prepared by our employees emphasized that no serious violations were recorded in the election process, and the entire process was conducted in accordance with the law. It should be noted that the observation activities of our employees complied with the rules.