Geographer talks about demographic problems Sep 20, 2024 | 05:09 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Today's issue of the newspaper "Khalg" under the title "Can Azerbaijan face a demographic crisis?" published an interview with Professor Zakia Eminov, director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The head of the institute notes that socio-economic difficulties, intensive migration, a decrease in population growth, an increase in the marriage age, a sharp decrease in the number of new families, an increase in divorces, infant mortality, etc. are causing a decrease in the population.

In order to regulate the demographic development and settlement in Azerbaijan, it is important to prepare and adopt the Law "Demography and Settlement of the Population". A balance must also be ensured between the development of regions, their demographic and economic, social and cultural potential.

Today, most countries in the world are on the verge of a demographic crisis. The crisis may worsen in the next few years. It is time to realistically assess the situation and determine solutions. Therefore, there is a need to create a Center for Demographic Research in the country.

The Institute of Geography conducts extensive scientific research in the field of demographic development, publishes articles and monographs, and publishes research results in prestigious scientific journals around the world. But for more effective and accurate research and practical work, personnel, as well as instruments, equipment, and technical means are needed. Poor provision creates problems; in many cases, research is not completed, the results remain incomplete, and difficulties arise with their acceptance by the relevant authorities.

The head of the institute expressed his opinion and concluded his interview with the words: "I believe that these problems will be solved in the near future and the quality of our work will improve."