An event dedicated to the heroic women of Azerbaijan, organized by the Women's Council, was held at the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the MSEAR.
Welcoming the participants of the event, the executive director of the institute, associate professor Zaur Imrani gave the floor to the chairperson of the Women's Council, head of the department, PhD Solmaz Rzayeva. The chairperson of the Women's Council noted that Azerbaijani women have historically been brave, unbending and militant, that when necessary they took up arms and fought shoulder to shoulder with men, and that the history of Azerbaijan is imprinted in our memory not only by the bravery of our sons, but also by our heroic women.
Senior researcher of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan, PhD in History Aida Ismayilova spoke about Azerbaijani women, military pilots who participated in wars; she gave detailed information about their lives, the bravery they showed in battles, as well as the orders and medals they were awarded.
Then senior researcher of the institute Luiza Salaeva, professor of the Institute of Physics, member of the board of the Women's Council of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS Mekhtiyeva Salima and chairman of the Trade Union of IG Kamran Ramazanli spoke, noting that the mothers who raised our heroes who died in the battles for the freedom of our Motherland are also heroes. The speakers expressed their respect for the women who sacrificed themselves for their land, science and family, calling them heroines.
The participants of the event supported K. Ramazanli’s initiative to organize a visit of the institute’s employees to the National History Museum in order to get acquainted with valuable documents and works that prove and personify the heroism of Azerbaijani women.