E.Alizade is in Vladikavkaz Oct 19, 2015 | 11:10 / EVENTS

Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography, corresponding member of ANAS Elbrus Alizade and the leading researcher, PhD in geography Stara Tarikhazer are with a mission in the republic of North Ossetia-Alania of the RF to participate in the VIII International Conference “Science, education and outreach activities - the basis of sustainable development of mountain areas, which will be held on 21-23 October.

The event organized by UNESCO, the Russian Ministry of Education et al., will take place in Vladikavkaz and involve hundreds of scientists and specialists from CIS countries.

The work will be carried out in different directions: the role of local governments in the sustainable development of mountain areas, science, education, culture, demographics, health problems and achievements, tourism, recreation, environmental protection, etc.

Elbrus Alizade and Stara Tarikhazer will make reports, written jointly: “Height and landscape dependence in the development of mudflow processes in mountain ecosystems of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus” and “Anthropogenically-dynamic features of landslide processes in the Azerbaijani part of the Greater Caucasus”.